There are times when you want two or more elements in your XAML to share the same dimensions, usually you dint want to deal with static sizes and prefer that after an element got its size from the ...
I didnt find any documenation to this method other than the thread in StackOverflow: <A title= href="htt...
When you want to display a dislog screen in windows store apps, you can use Flyout, MessageDialog or Popup the first two should be used for the simple cases – message prompts, question, basic user ...
In my Windows 8.1 project I wanted to use the SQLite PCL library. I Installed it from nuget and everything worked great so I committed the changes to the source control and moved on. When my collea...
I received a call from a client last week about bad performance in their WPF application. It turns out that they expected that some view that holds a tree will need to show a few tens of items BUT ...
<SPAN id=b1e141aa-fc45-4e46-86bf-41d1d74acd73 class=GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark>many</SPAN> times in our <SPAN id=404af282-71d8-42a4-b87f-62e807c15c3c class=GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark>applicat...
When we create applications we usually want to make them easy to use by our users. One way to make application more accessible internationally is to make it localized to the users’ language and...
In a project I’m working on I needed to get an ID that uniquely identifies the device that is running the app. WinRT provides an API for HardwareIdentificationbut you should be aware that the call...